Currently we are not providing COD (Cash on Delivery) service to our customers because we use private courier service for most of our shipping need. After dispatch of the shipment, customer get a tracking ID along with online link for tracking there shipment. Most of the order will reach within 3-5 business days from the date of your order (delivery time can vary on basis of the distance and area of delivery). If you need any product on urgent basis, we recommend please call us on our support number and confirm shipping timing.
How do I make a payment?
IndoSurgicals offers multiple methods to make payments for your order: Credit Cards (including American Express cards) & Debit Cards (including Maestro cards) and Net Banking (covering most of the private and nationalized banks). IndoSurgicals and our trusted payment gateway partners use secure encryption technology to protect your card information at all times.
Return & Refund Policy
Refund Policy: IndoSurgicals reserve the right to cancel any order. The company will ensure that any communication of cancellation of an order or any applicable refund will be made in reasonable time. Cancelled orders will be refunded to the users in the same mode payment was made within 10 working days and user we'll be informed via email or call.
Return Shipping: Customer is responsible for return shipping because we are using private courier service, and not able to arrange pickup from customer place. If any product is found to be defective, IndoSurgicals will promptly exchange, but customer must be notified within 7 days after delivery.
How do I cancel an order?
If you cancel your order before your product has shipped, your order will automatically consider as cancelled. If the cancellation is after your product has shipped, contact Customer Support and follow advice. To cancel an orders please send us mail with subject “Please Cancel order ID”.
If the Order Cancellation Before Dispatch:
If order is cancelled before dispatch, full refund will be made.
If the Order Cancellation After Dispatch:
Refund will be made, after deducting actual Shipping/freight Charges only.
Privacy Policy
When you provide contact or billing information by phone or Internet, that information is kept strictly confidential. We will not sell, share, or rent user information to any outside party not directly involved in the processing of your current transaction. All information transmitted by you to us while visiting our website is secured.
All Pricing/Information is Subject to Change Without Notice
The utmost care was used in preparation of the IndoSurgicals website but we cannot be responsible for errors or omissions. Prices are updated electronically and, despite our best efforts, a small number of the items on IndoSurgicals may reflect incorrect prices due to computer or human error, etc. Rest assured, we verify price changes on a regular basis. If the correct price is lower than our stated price, we will charge you the lower amount and ship the item to you. If the correct price is higher than our stated price, IndoSurgicals will contact you before shipping for your approval.
For all prices, products and offers, we reserve the right to make adjustments/changes due to changing market conditions, product discontinuation, manufacturer price changes, errors, and other extenuating circumstances. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the pricing on the IndoSurgicals website. In addition, we cannot guarantee any IndoSurgicals prices listed on other websites or search engines.